2 Classic French Baguette Sandwiches

Here in Sonoma County, we are blessed to share many commonalities with France, including our food and wine culture and our Mediterranean climate. Why not add a little French culture to your life and celebrate Bastille Day this year? There is nothing like a classic French Baguette Sandwich at your Bastille Day picnic! The combination of crusty artisan bread and flavorful fillings makes for a wonderful meal that’s almost like being in France.

  • Serves: 2-3 servings
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes


  • Jambon Beurre(Ham and Butter):
  • 1 fresh, crusty baguette
  • 3 tablespoons best-quality softened butter (salted cultured butter or grass fed would be good options)
  • 1/2 pound French-style ham, sliced
  • 1/2 pound Emmental or Gruyère cheese, sliced by hand into thin triangles
  • Chèvre Tomate(Tomato and Goat Cheese):
  • 1 fresh, crusty baguette
  • 1 or 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced
  • 1/3 pound bloomy rind goat cheese, such as Bucheron
  • 1/3 pound French-style ham, optional
  • 1/2 teaspoon herbes de Provence
  • 1 small handful of fresh arugula, optional
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, optional


  1. Jambon Beurre(Ham and Butter):
    Slice the baguette in half lengthwise, almost all the way through, and open. Slather both sides with the butter. Layer with the ham and cheese. Close, press, and divide into two or three sandwiches.

  2. Chèvre Tomate(Tomato and Goat Cheese):
    Slice the baguette in half lengthwise, almost all the way through, and open. Drizzle the top and bottom baguette halves with olive oil.

  3. Slice the tomato slices in half, so they are in half moons. Slice the goat cheese into thin rounds, then slice them in half into half moons.

  4. If using, layer arugula, then ham onto the bottom of the sandwich. Then add alternating slices of tomato and goat cheese along the length of the sandwich.

  5. Sprinkle with herbes de Provence. Close the baguette, press, and divide into halves or thirds.


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  1. We Love Oliver’s❤️ Thank You and Everyone for doing & sharing your expertise with Us!! Love most of your recipes! Miss the French foods once in awhile… my husband went shopping and I forgot to ask him to get stuff for me that I need to make my baguette sandwiches… Love it! ❤️

    Wishing Oliver’s and the families The Best of Health & Happiness & Joy & Love & Wealth & Peace!! ❤️☮️

    Comment by Tam and Mike Shook on July 13, 2022 at 3:25 pm

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