This is How We Brew It, and that’s no Java Jive

This week at Oliver’s Market, we are celebrating yet another group of local producers we are fortunate to have here in Sonoma County: local coffee roasters. While their beans come from all over the world, they source, blend, and roast their proprietary coffees to their own specifications right here, so they arrive fresh and ready to enjoy every time you purchase them.

There are some basic tips for storing, grinding, and preparing coffee that you have probably seen more than a few times, but for true coffee aficionados, the bottom line is that after you follow the basic directions, coffee is personal, and the “right” way to make it is how you like it best.

To mix things up around here, we decided to dig just a little deeper and query the experts for their personal coffee preparation insights! We asked six of our favorite local coffee roasters, who just happen to be featured this week, to each share their favorite blend and how they prepare it for themselves.

Even if you don’t follow their recipe to the letter, you can learn a lot about the factors they consider for their optimum cup of Joe in these recipes. We hope you will grab your favorite mug and give one of them a try!

(Note: These prices are in effect from September 15-21, 2021 at all Oliver’s Market locations.)

Bella Rosa Coffee Company: Morning Star Blend, 12 oz. Bag $8.99

“Staff favorite is Morning Star prepared at a 17:1 ratio in a Hario pour over cone with a 20 second bloom, 30 second pour, 20 second finish.  Butter caramel, sweet green pepper, toffee.  Delicious!  (But honestly, any way you do it is great!)” – Jon Bixler, President & CEO

Flying Goat Coffee: Guatemala Dario Hernandez, 12 oz. Bag $9.99

“Dario Hernandez has been growing coffee on the volcanic slopes of Antigua for over 30 years. He grows exclusively Bourbon and Caturra cultivars, shaded by grevillea trees. While this coffee makes a great pour over – it’s actually delicious as an espresso where we taste tons of chocolate and cherry (21 grams in, 35 grams out, in 27-31 seconds).” – Drew Thompson, Director of Wholesale, Marketing & Brand Development

Wolf Coffee Company: French Roast, 12 oz. Bag $9.99

“We love making Wolf French Roast in a French Press!  Use two level tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee per 6 ounces of water.  Pour 200-degree F water over top and steep for four minutes.  Serve with a splash of cream and a touch of sugar. Sip and savor. Cheers!” – Nick Castelli, President

ACRE Coffee: Bodega, 12 oz. Bag $9.99

“Named after a favorite Sonoma County coastal town because of the lingering sweetness it delivers. This balanced coffee highlights marmalade and brown sugar and is perfect as a morning breakfast coffee. We love it and taste it most often in a drip brewer served cup after cup.” – Rob Daly, Owner/President

Sunshine Coffee Roasters: Organic Italiano, 12 oz. Bag $8.99

“Our Italiano is a medium-dark body, low acidity coffee, great as a pour-over.  Heat water to 195°, grind 21 grams of fine ground coffee, wet filter, add coffee and pour water slowly to enjoy a single cup of Sunshine.” – Neil Kelly, Roast Master

Petaluma Coffee & Tea Co.: Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, 12 oz. Bag $9.99

“Our favorite coffee is the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural brewed as a pour over on the Hario V60.  28 grams of coffee to 12oz of water produces a cup full of bright red fruit notes, including raspberry and pomegranate.  Use 202-degree F water and bloom the grounds for 30 seconds before brewing.  Enjoy straight up or with cream and sugar for a sweet dessert experience.” – Nick Harris, General Manager


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