March 19, 2019

What Ales You

Oliver’s Own Rotating Hop Pale Ale ($8.99+crv, 4 pack/16oz cans) “A classic Pale Ale malt bill was chosen as the foundation for an ever-changing expression of hop aromas and flavors ‘We rotate the hops; You rotate the can to see what’s inside!’”   Eel River Amber Ale ($8.99+crv, 6 pack/12oz bottles) “This medium-bodied Amber Ale […]

February 26, 2019

Oh Hoppy Day! Oliver’s Own Beer is Here!

After many years of investigating, planning and production, we’re excited to release the Oliver’s Own line of beer! “What took you so long?” you ask? Well, we like to do things right, and needed to be assured the quality would meet our high standards, and of course, they had to be brewed in Sonoma County. […]

January 29, 2019

The Tale of Two Avocados

First-of-the-Season California-Grown Hass Avocados – 99¢ each We love the Hass Avocado – a true California native, but did you know less than 1 percent of the state is suitable for growing them? Even though such a small percentage of the state can grow these delicious fruits, around 90 percent of the nation’s avocado crop […]

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4 Locations to Serve Sonoma County