Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Keep your family safe from germs with this easy-to-make hand sanitizer! We’ve combined the moisturizing power of aloe vera with the germ-slaying might of alcohol for this cheap and easy homemade hand sanitizer. It’s the perfect way to keep yourself and the people you love healthy and illness-free!

*Ingredients available at Oliver’s Markets while supplies lasts.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes


  • 2/3 c. Rubbing Alcohol or Everclear
  • 1/3 c. All-Natural Aloe Vera Gel
  • 6-8 drops Tea Tree Oil
  • 8-10 drops Scented Essential Oil


  1. In a small/nonreactive bowl, combine alcohol and aloe vera gel until well mixed (for thicker sanitizer, add an additional tablespoon of aloe vera gel), then stir in tea tree oil. If using, slowly begin adding scented essential oil until desired fragrance is reached, stirring well to combine after each drop.

  2. Use a funnel to transfer sanitizer to a glass bottle with a spray or pump top. Leftover sanitizer can be kept at room temperature in a tightly sealed jar/bottle.

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