Homemade Applesauce


  • 8 lbs. Tart cooking apples, cored and quartered (24 C.)
  • 2 C. Olivers Own Apple Juice
  • ¼ C. Fresh lemon Juice, strained


  1. In an 8-10 quart Heavy kettle or pot combine apples, water and lemon juice. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, for 25-30 minutes until apples are very tender, stirring often.

  2. Press apples through a food mill or sieve. Return pulp to kettle. If necessary an ½ to 1 C. Juice to reach desired consistency. Bring to Boiling.

  3. Ladle hot applesauce int hot sterilized pint or quart canning jars, leaving 1-2 inch head-space. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids. Process in a boiling water canner for 15 minutes for pints or 20 minutes for quarts (start timing when water returns to a boil). Remove jars from canner; cool on wire racks.

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